Welcome to my knutty world of knitting! I'm just a little obsessed with knitting, but, that's okay. I knit so I don't kill people! ;)

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Headband or Headwarmer

Ready for this? It's CAKE baby, CAKE! Grab a remnant of yarn, cast on 35 sts on sz. 8 needles.

Row 1: K5, P5 across

Row 2: P5. K5 across

Repeat rows 1 and 2 to desired length. :)

Didn't I say CAKE?? :)

Also, one could cast on less stitches for less width. :)

Plush Baby Blanket

For this sweet little number, using Yarn Bee Boucle Taditions, Pink Camo, I cast on 147 stitches and knit stitch the entire thing. I didn't measure anything, I just knit until I was happy with the length. This was knit on U.S. sz 10, 29 inch circular needles. I think though, when I do it again (because I really liked it), I will cast on 137 or possibly even 127 stitches to make it slightly less rectangular. :)

Girl's Headband

Okay, using Red Heart Eco-Cotton Blend, I cast on 10 sts on sz. 8 straight needles. Stamen stitch (found in 50 Fabulous Knit Garter Stitches) as follows:

(Multiple of 2)

Row 1 (right side) Knit

Row 2 *K1, sl 1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2

Row 3 Knit

Row 4 K2, *sl 1, K1: rep from * across

Repeat rows 1-4 for pattern

I knit this headband to 18 inches. (it fits my girls who range from ages 7 8/12) Certainly knit it shorter for a baby/smaller head or longer for older girl/larger head.

Bind off, sew ends together and glue *something fun* over the seam. Fake flowers, huge buttons, glittery gems, etc. :)

I hope you enjoy this, I'm a new knitter and therefore a slow knitter and I can still knit this one up in a hour or less. :) Let me know if you have problems!
Well! Holy buckets! I made a blog. :)